so time for another post
so it's sunday night. and i'm here at the house not tired yet but kinda waiting. i'm not sure for waht but it's what i feel i'm supposed to be doing right now. waiting. it's hard. and on the other hand i should have gone into action years ago. waiting. how much time is spent waiting? we speed through life just to wait until it's time to do whatever. as in hurry up to wait in line to hurry up to wait in another line. wait. and then the time comes and i think either why was i so worried or what was the wait all about?!
went to P&J movie this evening. was very good. enjoyed it very much. did not talk much after it was over. did not want to come out even though i am out every day with my flare. just no one notices or chooses not to see. we had a good crowd. the discussion after was kinda pulled but it was becasue of many differing factors. we had not been in this group of people before and discussed anything. with everyone in the room. it was mostly a trust factor. but the movie was very good. it could have been better, it was a documentary. the flow was off. and the wording for who people were was hard to read, some said. i did not have a problem but it might have been from where i was sitting.
have nothing new on the home front, work front, or life front. other than waiting. night.