Friday, December 22, 2006

nother update

so work was not that bad today. crazy but not bad. very very busy but not bad. saw one of the old regs back he moved away to overland park. so he does not come in anymore. was good to see him. saw several of the regs that i have crushes on. and was very nice to see them. i love seeing them. it brightens my day that makes me smile. i was thinking that we should get things like counters of some kind to let people know that they give us hope or make us smile. because in turn it would make them know that they make a difference in the world. to a single person. also was thinking that what if a dollar bill was afraid of the dark. cause it spend all the time in the dark. or would it be afraid of the light? i do have all of my shopping done. just have to wrap everything. i love wrapping. just becasue i get to play with tape. i also love coloring, reading and glitter and glue. ^^ kidergarten art. love it. not so much finger paint but still fun. i hope mommy v and daddy k are having a great time. i missed having them at church late week. the bell choir played at both services. i know that i enjoyed playing for both. i hope that first service enjoyed it. we will be having five services this sundayi will be at at least three. would like like to go to four. don't know if it is going to happen but i can try. i am ready for christmas and am ok with spending time with my family. and am almost ready for it. time off i will enjoy that very much. i love the fact that we are closed on christmas. i am very thankful that we are. i wish that other places would be closed but i understand that not everyone is christan. so happy holidays everyone.

Friday, December 15, 2006

the movie

so the movie for eragon made me want to chuck things at the screen. i did nto fro fear of being thrown out of the theater before i had seen all the movie. made me want to chuck more things at the screen. they did nothing with the plot. there really was no plot in the movie. it was just event brom telling stuff event, event, and even more events. and then stuff that did not happen in the book. lots of stuff that did not happen in the book. and then i went and and saw it again. and was confirmed in the fact that we should chuck stuff at the screen. we resisted the urge to burn it down. becasue it was so horrible. did a litte more shopping for christmas. need to do more. but it will get done. or not.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

a real post this time

it's time again for a post. one that is a real post and not one that beats around the bush like last time. but i won't do that subject either. so for the past two weeks i have not been able to help witht he crier at church. that really bugs me. i like helping and enjoy the time spent with pauline and mary grace. this week i also missed out on writers group. i know that i will hear about it on sunday from marygrace. but i'm ok with that becasue i missed her too.

the celebration dinner went well. we all missed molly. but i understand why she was not there. we started planning for the coming spring. and hope to offer three new courses.

mom is retiring on jan 12. yea!! go mom. i am happy for her. there is going to be a party at her work on friday for her and she invited me to come. i think i will.

and now sadly i am tired ad need to try and sleep for tomorrow i still work. night and love to all.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

the closet

so i'm hiding/living in a different closet right now. the closet that i'm in is not one that you would think of as being in a closet normaly. i'm hiding from myself in this one. because i'm afraid of what will happen if i admit what is in this closet. it would mean that i would have to relay on other people. and not just in that i would be talking to them it is also be in that in all aspects of life. but in writing this is this a coming out of the closet? casue i've not told you what is in the closet of doom. this is the biggest closet of doom. one of my biggest fears also. rev john today that we need to give our hopes nad fears to God. which i totaly agree. and in doing so i know that i will feel much better and have the fear relived. or at least it would not be my fault. but this is my fault. i've let it get this far. and have come so far and yet am so back in the stone age with this that i should be jailed for hurting the ones that i love this much that it is going to hurt them.

so now on to the next subject. which i don't know. have nothing to look forward. maybe my knitting/crochet group. which i enjoy. maybe i should find something else that makes me happy and start it so that i can have something to look forward but what happens when what is fun turns into a have to? and ho do i find something that i enjoy?

reading the second book in the eragon series. Eldest.

nothing else. night and loves.