Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i gave my two weeks

so the last day of February i gave my two weeks at work. when my old boss read the note that i left he said that he agreed with all of it and that i did a good job of telling my new boss what was wrong. so on Saturday when i needed food my boss said that he wanted to talk to me. so i said "ok lets go." then he said "not right now, later when you work next." so i walked out and went on my way. monday rolled around and i went into work and waited and waited. about three he finally comes to talk with me. does not offer to go up to his office or into the office. just out in the middle of the store where anyone can hear. he asks me why i was leaving. i told him what i said in the note and he still did not understand. so i told him it doesn't matter. then he got frustrated because he could not understand why i was leaving but said that he "wished that i wouldn't." and i thought you bleeping flaming idiot what is so hard to understand about what i said and then to only wish that i wouldn't go isn't enough. you have to try to make me stay. change things and offer me more money. then i might stay. but he didn't nor has he and i don't think that he will so i will go on to better things and less stress and more happiness.

on to something else. this weekend i am going to colorado for a turny. i will be sparing and doing a form. i don't think that i will win but it will be fun. and that it will be a great time spent with all who go and a bonding time. i love bonding time. it is good. course i would like to go out with some of the girls that will be going. cause they look so good and are so sexy that it drives me crazy. i got my black gi today. and hope that mom will pin so that i can hem it up or have her do it and put my patch on. the gi is so huge that i have about five inches of fabric that i won't need. but i guess that's alright. cause then i can use the fabric for an out fit for my dolls.

got nothing else. night.