atempt one
ok so i'm back. or at least mostly. my mind is still in alabama. did not want to come back. when we crossed the line from mississippi to alabama i knew. i knew when it happened phscyialy and knew that i was home. i did not look at the raod sign but knew in my body and soul that we had crossed it. i knew that i was home. i don't know how else to explain it. but i also know that i was scared and affarid. i am suprised that i made it back in one piece. that i was not shot or mamed or other wise harmed upon entering alabama. gald that no one thought that i needed killing. but that was possibly becasue i was not there long enough for me to be on anyones radar. but i usually fly excdlying low on radars in general. as in no one even thinks that i might be gay.
so we get down to aunt cindy's and i get everyone out of the car and unloaded. go off to bed and wake up the next morning to go to church. the sign out side of the church does not say southern bapisit but might as well. i enjoy the minister out of the pulpit but not in it. in it he is cocky, self rightous, loud and objnous. not really a problem with the loud. but everything else on the list. out side of the puplit he is kind, loving, gentle, giving, and many other qualities. i just don;t understand the two different people. the sermon was about the church serving christ. not a problem. until you read on when it says that the woman is servant to the man. and he then goes to say that this passage has been misconstrued and misused. which i'm ok with also. then he goes on to misconstru the passage himself. granted his wife is a woman that is subservent and like it and in having a wife like her he can pratice what he preachs. but how many women today are going to be like her? so here i was trying not to laugh and roll out of the pew and be a good little kristal which worked for the very short service. of which i was glad that it was short or i would have been in the floor rolling.
the minister brought over some orka from his garden and some tomatoes. the orka was good aunt cindy cut it up put a corn breading on it and then "fried" it. she reall just put it in the frying pan for a few minutes and stirred it. but it was good.
the music minister called on wensday and asked if he could bring his cat elliot over to stay so that he could go to the beach for a day. aunt cindy said yes and he brought e-rot (elliot nick name) over and he and hudini played and played. hudini is aunt cindys cat and she swears that it is her mom come to check on them. which i kinda agree in the i know that the cat was sent to check on them but i don't know it is grandma or not but i know that the cat does report to someone. i know it sounds crazy but i know it's true.
sunday after church we got in the pool and swam. we then had new york deli fro dinner. monday we swam. adn did nothing. it was great. tuesday did more of nothing. wensday had lunch with the minister and baby sat for his eldest. thursday went to an outlet strip mall and found new clothes. ^^ a lane bryant store was there and so mom had promised that if i help get us out and loaded that she would buy me a bra and a pair of jeans. so i now have a new pair of jeans and a bra. it's a good thing too because a bra of mine broke a couple of days before we went down. started my period on wensday. what fun that was. but at least we got sent to the store to pick up things taht were forgetten at sam's or walmart. so i picked up some tampons and pads. so i did not have to totally embarass myself in asking for a special trip into town. i did bring pads but not enough for that long. i thought that i might start on friday or saturday. school started on thursday for them. almost a week earlier then here.
went to church on sunday and the minister wife was preaching. she talked about her experince at women's retreat in inidania. the focus was dream on sister's dream on. it was the first DC (Diciples of Christ) and UCC (United Church of Christ) (Sister churchs) women's gathering. john said that she had some news to announce. i did not think much of it thought that it might be a new little one but he said htat in the crier that it was not and that i should not even be thinking that. so i let it go and waited to see what the news was. she started out reading. ad i thought to myself that she should not become a misiter becasue she was just reading but as she read it got better. her reading became more of who she is. more tha just facts. which is what she was reading in the first part. which when anyone reads facts it's just boring. and whlie she gave her sermon i did a thing i do with my eyes to see what i could see. and i saw it. i saw what i saw when i did it to one of the fill in ministers while john was in boston. i saw her energy. and saw that it was very similar to the other one. i've not tried this on john for many reasons, one is that it takes a lot of energy on my part to jsut focus on the body and not on what is being said. but with her i could do both. and with the other minister i could do both. so may be i should try it on john. but i still have not told you what her news was. while on the retreat they were told to write a dream on a ribbon that they were given at the being of worship the first night. and the more she thought about it the more she could not repress it anymore she was going to seminary. and she knew that that was her dream by the end of the retreat. that she could no longer deny it. am so very happy for her. i am so glad that her dream can come true. she is going to be going to the well known seminary here. and i give her props for it.
i hate to stop but it's almost one and i neede to get up early. night and i'll post more later.
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