Thursday, July 06, 2006

after the fourth

so it's the fifth. work sucked casue peggy was being her normal bitchy self. glad that mj was not there. having to put up with mj and peggy would not have gone over well with me rolling out of the bed at 10:30 and getting there at 10:33. and then not really waking up until five thirtyish. here at ihop now with karen and jenn. why does have to be so many people named jennifer. (we're everywhere.) poor jen. stabs a different jen to death. to many fucking jens. the name needs to stop. way to many. with each person i meet after meeting this other jen makes me want to kill something casue then i think about the other jen. now if that's not confusing enough...let me introduce you to my chilten. jennifer. she has not been concived yet...looks around, sees no good candiates for the job. guess i won't have a chilten. darn. ha ha. and it's one. i have to work morrow. only a six hour shift. much better than the five eight hours that i finished today. five in a row. six days in a row. but i know i should not complain. i have a job and they work with me on my schdule kinda. blah blah blah. end.


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