Thursday, June 15, 2006

five days later chewing on her underwear

ha ha so it is five day later. not chewing on anyones underwear. be kinda gross. but i've heard some pretty strange things so far. reading a book by Elie Wiesel Night. it's good so far. almost done with it. very crazy and thought provoking. talked to ross about gettin those morings off. and he did it. or at least for some of the days. and stacy called and asked when i knew my schdule and i told her on saturday but that i had gotten a sneek peek and that i owuld be free some of the days. sent out the crier today instead of yesterday becasue sally was getting back from esprosina. sorry about the spelling. it's the spanish word for hope. if that helps. and she needed an extra day to get all the things together for the crier. am going to work out with kat morrow morning. doing a belly dance viedo. so that she can lower her blood pressure. and get in shape some. it's been really nice here recently. and the custmers have been realy well behaived for the most part. which is always a really good thing. don't have much else to say for this evening.


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