Friday, February 02, 2007


so it's friday. have an eight hour shift today. with all the wonderful people in the morning. i so need to find another job. am in the process of getting a docotor's appt. i so love the docotor. i am so terrified of going. and hearing what is going to be said. i've not slept the past two nights. and am waiting on a call from a linda to say when the appt is schduled. i am not good at this. i'm so jettery and scared. i am stuttering, shaking, twichting, and just plain almost crying when someone looks at me wrong. it's not cool. i'm a wreck. can't conterate. just want this to be over and ok. i am so not good at this.

so nother subject. saturday we interview an organist. and then on sunday we interview another one. i'm not sure how i feel about interviewing them back to back like that. warren's up. must leave and go get dressed. night for now.


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