Friday, November 10, 2006

up lift time

lol so it's time to blog an up lifting blog. it's been a while. monday night for the knitting group that i've started, a new person came. ^^ yea!! it was not just me! so it's exciting. then tuesday i did nothing all morning. that was great also. wensday came around and amber and i switched shifts so that i could help with the crier and go to writers group. it was wonderful to see everyone again. i had not been able to make it to help with the creir on wensdays cause of the schdule change. but it was a good thing because pauline was out sick and nancy was there taking her place. she does a good job just does not know how to do the crier. so i spent the morning with people i enjoy and love. it was great. yesterday i worked in the early morning and woke up ten minutes before i was suppossed to be there. got there and clocked in at eight. read harry potter in the down time of the morning. came home and helped mom a bit and showered and then went to bell choir. which i've not been very friendly to recently becasue of the wonderful bosses schduling. but since i got to go home and talk with mom and shower i was a completly different person. don't know if anyone noticed becasue we are reshusing to play on sunday but it was great to be in there presence without the angry vibe on my end. that's all for now.


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The strange schedule at work has been messing me up, too (see my blog). It's strange. Hopefully when Rossy-Pooh gets back, things will smooth back out. That's my hope, anyway.

PS--Don't tell him I called him that ;-)


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