Wednesday, September 13, 2006

the last straw

so i am now officaly, truly, starting tomorrow going to businesses and seeing if they are hiring. i went into work on monday and saw that one of the stockers was going to be filling in/whenever needed checking. i told ross that i will not work with him. him then told me that i could not pick and choose who i work with. which i understand. i also don't make many requests about working with certain people if i did i would have long time ago told him htat i will not work with the three amigos. don't mind two out of the three it's the third one that i don't count as hunman. i know that i should but if i ignore him and he still tries to talk or ingage me some how. i deny or just act like no one is talking. but this, this is it. i have had enough of the creepy people. i have had enough of the chilld molsters. i have had enough of the penis domonaited work place.

on a better notei talked to the pres of the BoW at church and had a good talk with her. unfornatly she has not heard if her daughter has breast cancer. they did the biospy last week i think. her daughter called and she was told that the nurse was on vacation. if they don't hear soon we will go and knock on some doors. and be not nice to them to get answers. the pres said that she would be there for me to make calls and go to the offices so that i can get checked out. it's sad. a twenty five year old needing someone to hold her hand to go to the doctor. T_T i hate the doctor.

sunday night went very well. molly had everything under control. the barn yard players were there and running late. so molly kicked them out. i should come with a warning: if you are seeing this innocent female, greater females are coming after and they are man-eaters do as this one says and all will be well. it is good that they are man-eaters, for when they are done i go in and finish what i was doing.

i should fill out papers now. night and love.


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