Monday, September 04, 2006

i must be crazy

so i must be crazy in that i called in sick on saturday and played all day at ren fair. it was great. i loved it. it was the first weekend of fair. bodice is still not done. kat now has three jobs. day, night, and weekend. don't know when she will sleep. hanging out with karen tonight. got mom a red hatters pin. she liked it. was not as happy as i thought that she would be but still glad that it was not a eh responce. LTQ starts on sunday. am happy about that. i'll get the chance to talk with molly. and see why she does not want to become ona. still need to talk to honey. but i don't know how to start that conversation with her becasue i don't know if i'm supposed to know. so it would be kind of awakrd to start a conversation if i'm not supposed to know. i'm ready for LTQ to start. i'm ready to start spending most of the day at church again. ready to be off work on sundays again. will miss the chiefs but i'm ok with that.

went through some of my clothes. got rid of some panties. got rid of a couple of shirts that i don't wear. need to go through my closet and gather which shirts i want to make into a qulit and which ones i won't wear again and also get rid of them. also need to get jackie fixed. found karen's mechiaic's number and am going to call him in the morning. found the cord to my camara.

thankful time: alisha, karen, kat, melissa, cort monster, robyn, tema, renee, music, hearing, sight, love, ablity to love, ablity to be loved back, good friends, good co-workers, mom and dad, my faith.


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