Sunday, October 08, 2006

sunday night

hello, so it's been great. i love working with nancy and genny. we told molly to take the week off and the next week also. but she said that she'll be back then. so it's all good. really need to quit relying on linda to help me. i ask so much of her and she asks so little in return. i need to appericate her some how. she is so good to me along with joan. i don't know why they love me or how they came to me but i am glad. i love them so much and am so greatful for them that i know they don't know how much and how deeply that i care for them. i'd do anything within normal bounds etc... for them with out hesation.

so this paragrahp won't be published becasue it's not blog friendly. would love to post it but i would get such a responce or maybe none at all. which would prove my thoughts.

so in other thoughts...i was thinking that i might some how express how much i love and admire those two women mentioned above. any thoughts would be nice.


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