one month
so it's been over a month since i last posted. no time. no money. no nothing. but lost of church and work. and jury duty. and random filrtings with a girl who comes into my work. :) lol so here i am again returning from not writing cause of having to do to many things.
first things church. we are going to vote on Sunday wither we are going to be ONA or not. this should be good. we took lots of time coming up with a statement. which is how it should be. and then we asked the congregation if anyone had comments or what not to add or take away. and so we took what they said and added/removed what needed to be. and so we came up with a statement that most people liked. so hopefully it will pass. one of the members of the ONA committee e-mailed the rest of the committee telling of of the sign that he saw on his way back from Colorado. it was a rainbow that seemed to be coming from the church.
also with church the music committee has been busy with trying to find a DoM and organist. we have found a DoM and are interviewing organist again. after the wonderful blow up of the last one because of one paid section leader which she should have been the one to go and not the organist. so i missed the first one playing for us but not the interview with him. i liked him. don't know what else to say he was pretty cool and i was interested in the thing that he is doing his doctoral thing on.
so now to work. boss forget about jury duty and that was fun. i enjoyed doing it or what i got to do. i called monday night and the recording said that 0001-0101 had to report and the rest of them did not. i had 0059. so i got to go. i woke up on tuesday morning five in the morning to get to the bus stop by six-thirty. so i boarded the bus and rode to the max stop. from there i rode all the way down town. i rode the bus cause i found out that the check that i would be getting would not pay for the parking. 1.25 is much better than 6-10 dollars for parking. so i got down there about ten minutes to eight. i was supposed to be there at eight. so i get there walk up the nice big stairs to see people starring at the doors. i ask what the note says they say that it says to go to the west entrance. so i go there and enter the building. everyone is following now because it seems that i have more intelligence than them and seem to know what i am doing. so i get my badge and sit down. about fifteen minutes later a voice over the intercome system says the spel that has been given for the last how ever many years. then she starts telling us about our big paycheck that we are getting for the whole day. a whole six dollars and .07 cents per mile. yes then the judge came after the movie telling us what to expect. the time was about quater till ten. the judge then tells us to line up over there if we wish to see her about getting out of jury duty for whatever reason. the line is not that long and about ten-thirty to about ten fortyfive the judges assitant that is on the case comes down and tells us that they only need about forty five people. so when they called your name to come up and bring your papers with ou and then sit back down. i went up when my name was called and sat back down. after the forty five people were called they said that the rest of the people there could collect their check and go home. after the other people were taken care of we went up stairs to the court room. i decided to actually go up the stair casue it would only be three flights of stairs not a big deal and we'll get there before everyone else. WRONG. did you know that there are floors inbetween the floors at the court house? while nither did i but i soon found out. so i didn't just do three flight but six to eight flights of stairs. and everyone was huffing and puffing when we got to the third floor. and just in time to see the people on the elevator come off. he then started to put us in order that we would be in and discovered that about a forth of the people were missing so he went looking for them and found them in the court room already. so he brought them out and lined them in with us. part one. i must do so that i can get home and sleep to go to work in morning. lost track of time. night and loves.
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